Vision"A national leader in livestock research contributing to the enhancement of people's happiness through technological innovation."
MissionWe lead the development and dissemination of sustainable future-oriented livestock technology to secure global competitiveness and contribute to the prosperous lives of the people.
Core Value
Technological innovation
Communication and collaboration
Public trust
Strategic Target(4)
- 01Livestock policy Response to current issues
- 02Livestock value Sharing and dissemination
- 03Public empathy Realization of livestock industry
- 04Establishing a win-win-based sustainable management system
Strategic Subject(9)
- - Implementation of a sustainable livestock system
- - Enhancement of livestock industry competitiveness
- - Innovation of livestock technology for future readiness
- - Establishment of a public-private cooperation system in the livestock sector
- - Expansion of customer-oriented livestock technology dissemination
- - Establishment of a livestock promotion system
- - Expansion of livestock services for the public
- - Establishment of livestock governance based on trust and communication
- - Innovation of the Livestock Institute for Sustainable Management