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General InformationNational Institute of Animal Science opens the future of livestock research


Vision"A national leader in livestock research contributing to the enhancement of people's happiness through technological innovation." MissionWe lead the development and dissemination of sustainable future-oriented livestock technology to secure global competitiveness and contribute to the prosperous lives of the people. Core Value Technological innovation Communication and collaboration Public trust Sustainable
Strategic Target(4)
  • 01Livestock policy Response to current issues
  • 02Livestock value Sharing and dissemination
  • 03Public empathy Realization of livestock industry
  • 04Establishing a win-win-based sustainable management system
Strategic Subject(9)
    • - Implementation of a sustainable livestock system
    • - Enhancement of livestock industry competitiveness
    • - Innovation of livestock technology for future readiness
    • - Establishment of a public-private cooperation system in the livestock sector
    • - Expansion of customer-oriented livestock technology dissemination
    • - Establishment of a livestock promotion system
    • - Expansion of livestock services for the public
    • - Establishment of livestock governance based on trust and communication
    • - Innovation of the Livestock Institute for Sustainable Management